The process of Economic Healing does come from a place far more metaphysical than Suzy Ormond.  We can define Economic illness as: a personal imbalance with regard to the Universal Law of Supply.  It is an observable habit pattern, cyclic in nature, having its origin deeply WITHIN the self.  The individual cannot take corrective action, therefore, since he/she is unaware of the existence of the cause. He/she is aware only of the painful result.

Economic health, on the other hand, may be described as a free flowing SUPPLY, adequate to the individual's immediate needs and responsibilities, also the privilege of SERVICE. Neither poverty nor wealth constitute economic health.

Where you may wonder does this information come from? Much of it comes from readings that came through Edgar Cayce for individuals having financial difficulties.  The process comes from a group of people who met long ago in New York to put into actions the information and see for themselves how they would be changed.  It is a combination of the psychological and spiritual.  There were twelve voluntary actions put into motion in three categories.

One Time Activities
Write an autobiography having to do with your lifetime of dealing with money. 
(See example under Economic Exercises)

Determine personal ideals in three areas: spiritual, psychological, and physical.
( See the link under Economic Exercises.)

Write an obituary beginning now, today, through the end of your life. 
(See the link under Economic Exercises.) 

Weekly Group Activities
Contribute each week to a "reserve fund" that would be there for any individual who might fall into dire financial circumstances during the thirteen weeks.  If no one needs the money the group will decide a worthy cause for it at the end of the groups thirteen weeks. 

Category one was called preparation and consisted of:
Resultant Attitudes

Category two was called Action and consisted of:
Acts of service to people in general
Relations with those you work with
Fulfilling of present talents and abilities
Prompt payment of debts and pledges
Tithing of money
Tithing of Time
Blessing/affirming each member's desire for change at a scheduled time. (my addition to this list)

Category three was a tracking of the results of category one and two and consisted of:
Regular Income
Opportunities for developing new talents
Recognition of abilities

All of these categories are tracked every day for thirteen weeks.  Each person "grades" themselves.  This allows you to be aware, and see the progress in areas along with results.  I have printed charts for you.  As the facilitator of the group, I hold these weekly charts for you until the end of the healing.  This is so at the end of the thirteen weeks each can look back on their progress.

In the original group, members became healed and left the group in mid session.  This group for the good of all is designed to stay together.  Of course there will be a week sometime when aspects of life require someone miss.  That is life. You can easily be there in spirit.  The group meets weekly and Janice and I have volunteered our home.  If there is another place to meet and most wish to do so then it shall be.

I have scanned the pamphlet Economic Healing into this web site and I will give each person a printed copy. In the menu I call it the book. It has many guidelines and suggestions that are key to successful application and results.  Reviewing this little pamphlet regularly is very helpful to the process and your progress.

The group must begin on time.  There are ten people involved and it is respecting of all the others to be on time as they respect you by being on time. 

I am the leader (there has to be one) and will do my best to help us all experience the transformation we desire and seek.  I am setting up the meetings to last an hour and thirty minutes, to an hour and forty-five minutes. I will time the events of the meeting so that every one is involved in like portion. As leader I only keep things on time --the meeting moving along. I also plan meetings to integrate the Actions and the Exercises by planning which we will share about at which meeting.   Also, at the first meeting we can fine tune what will work for the group as a whole.

Meeting One (this is only a suggestion and when we arrive and are altogether we can begin a process together).

  1. Ten minutes of guided relaxation *
  2. One minute of connecting self to the creative universal forces.
  3. For the first  meeting we have minute introductions by a person or persons
    who know you best in the group or yourself, and you only have to say who you are if
    you are shy .
  4. For the first meeting each person then has up to five minutes to talk about themselves
    sharing only that which they fell safe and comfortable to share. You don't have to share
    if you don't want to.
  5. We decide how much we should each give to the common good collection.
  6. Go over the "plan" for the coming weeks.  (Here we can decide what would work
    for all of us. We can share thoughts about the booklet -- anything).
  7. Discuss how we want to proceed. What people want to get out of the group
    Is it the right name for the group?   Any concerns. Anything of importance to you
  8. Continue discussions or talk with individuals during twenty minutes social. 
    Some special refreshments.
  9. Group Affirmation?

Meeting Two

  1. Ten minutes of guided relaxation*
  2. One minute of connecting self to the creative universal forces.
  3. Talk about your ideals up to five minutes. How you came to them.
    The meaning each has for you beyond the words themselves.
  4. Share experiences happening from your actions. Two to three minutes.
  5. Go over the "plan" for the coming weeks.
  6. Continue discussions or talk with individuals during twenty minutes social. 
    Some special refreshments.
  7. Group Affirmation ?
* Ten minutes of guided relaxation is to clear the mind and provide the equivalent of two hours rest.