I experienced fear putting this group together. My personal fear of failure, my fear that you would receive my invitation and think of me in a derogatory manner, and fear you might imagine me not altogether there, or having some metaphysical agenda to convert others. I used to tell Zack, whatever you do about half of those you know will support you and the others will not, just do what you know to be right for you.  Follow your passion. Work through the fears by focusing on the creativity.  I excerpted this material from a book titled: Overcoming Fear and Anxiety by Hugh Lynn Cayce.  Rick

It is the fear of the unknown that first makes fear.
Fear is the root of the ills of mankind. Whether of self or of what others think or say, or what self will appear to others.
Fears have their roots in our childhood, past lives, and the unknown–death.
One of the main reasons for failure in life is longstanding patterns of fears.

Origin of fears:
Fear symptoms arise from bodily stress, psychological childhood conditioning, and the stress of daily living. Fears may even arise to haunt us from previous lives. We also fear annihilation and death. Finally, each of us at some point in our lives feels a sense of failure that grows out of the sameness of existence and a threat of meaninglessness.

Dealing with fear:
An important spiritual law can help renew our relationship with the creative forces -- the oneness of all force. We can begin to sense that we are part of a whole and that we do have a part to play as co-creators in the universe. Through prayer and meditation we can begin to awaken the real soul self. It is possible to arouse our wills to take control of the mind. As we set ideals, we can measure our thoughts, our words, and our actions against those ideals. We can build fear free constructive attitudes by being positive and constructive in our thoughts. We can pay attention to our dreams to see what we are building with our minds. Our reading can be inspirational. We can develop more of a sense of humor. We can work with small groups to help with our self-observation and healing. And, very important, we incorporate service into our lives, expressing our creative forces.

Our roles
We each have a role in the continuing creation of the universe and however simple or complex any incarnation on earth is, we are responsible for applying whatever we perceive universal laws to be. Knowing is not enough we have to apply what we know in the areas of love, patience, and kindness.

What to do?
We souls inhabiting the earth have created the chaos in our world and personal lives. At the subconscious level we sense our failure to measure up, our inadequacy and we become afraid. As we develop and express the creative force within ourselves we more and more realize our oneness with the universe and all others. This transforms the energy from negative modes of expression such as self-pity, anger, hate, and fear into creative thought, word, and action, transforming into love, patience, and joy.

Our purpose
We are souls, spiritual beings having an earthly experience. Essentially, our purpose for being in the earth is to gather experiences and lessons in soul growth that will enable us to return to an awareness of our spiritual selves -- or God consciousness. At the soul level we are composed of a spirit, a mind, and a will. Spirit is seen as our individual expression or connection to the One Force. The mind is the building block that enables patterns of thought to take shape and eventually manifest in our physical lives. The Will is that element of choice that selects and determines the individual choices and directions we make each moment of every day.

Our conflicts
Within us there are often forces or energies in conflict. We feel anger. It sweeps away our reason and we wish to strike another person with a thought, word, or act.  It affects the whole world (sunspots).  What if this is the same energy that could be used to help a sick friend? It is.  Is the passionate energy of our sexual drive the same that can create a beautiful paintings, pottery, photos, music, or anything creative? It is.  Is the destructive energy of self-pity the same energy that can be used in healing prayer? It is. There is only one energy and we direct this energy with our mind, our choices and in accord with our ideals.

Seeing divisions is very easy. There are divisions of race, religions, politics, customs and much more.  Our fears and prejudices are strong.  It is through finding the connections, the oneness shared with others that we do advance. 

Here are some suggestions for working with fears:

Repressed Fears from childhood

  1. Work with a counselor or regression therapist to go back to the source of the fear pattern.
  2. Talk with relatives or childhood friends about experiences that could account for present fears.
  3. Review family history, maybe a photo album, to uncover experiences for present fears.
  4. Recording and working with your dreams looking for sources of fear.
  5. Use pre sleep suggestion. Have a loved one or your own recording give you suggestions
    about overcoming your fears as you drift off to sleep.
  6. Balance your life with exercise, diet, rest, and relaxation.
  7. Positive affirmations.
  8. Read inspirational materials especially before sleeping.
  9. Work with spiritual principles and ideals.
  10. Massage, chiropractic, physiotherapy.
  11. Prayer and meditation . Everyday do this for a definite purpose. Not for your self only, but to be
    a means of help to someone else. Helping others is the best way to help yourself.
  12. Personal journaling to dialogue with your fears.
Past Live Traumas
  1. Work with a counselor or regression therapist to go back to the source of the fear pattern.
  2. Work with personal inventories, reveries and regressions.
  3. Exploring historical places, music, or stories. Use the internet to visit other cultures.
    Pay close attention to your attractions and aversions to cultures and various periods in history.
  4. Recording and working with your dreams looking for sources of fear.
  5. Use pre sleep suggestion. Have a loved one or your own recording give you suggestions
    about overcoming your fears as you drift off to sleep.
  6. Balance your life with exercise, diet, rest, and relaxation.
  7. Positive affirmations.
  8. Read inspirational materials especially before sleeping.
  9. Work with spiritual principles and ideals.
  10. Massage, chiropractic, physiotherapy.
  11. Prayer and meditation. Everyday do this for a definite purpose. Not for your self only, but to be
    a means of help to someone else. Helping others is the best way to help yourself.
  12. Personal journaling to dialogue with your fears.

Fear of Death

  1. Read about those having had near death experiences.
  2. Read about past life experiences. (I will post a list of books here, any recommendations?)
  3. Work with your dreams by desiring to understand.  To experience how consciousness is not
    limited to the physical body.
  4. Read uplifting materials.
  5. Prayer and meditation.  Everyday do this for a definite purpose. Not for your self only, but to be
    a means of help to someone else. Helping others is the best way to help yourself.


  1. Soul Survivor by Bruce and Andrea Leininger with Ken Gross.  A recent publication about a boy's memory of

    a past life during World War II.  Very compelling and very special in that though this type of reincarnation research is done regularly in countries such as India, it is rarely done here.